Monday, June 18, 2012

Javascript Tutorial

1.     What is Java script?
A scripting programming language most commonly used to add interactive features to webpages.

2.     What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)?
Creating a program that can use and support objects (data structures)

3.     What three components make up OOP?
Model: the data
View: visual representation of the data
Controller: the interface between the view and model

4.     Give an example of an object, a method and an event.

5.     Where is Java script placed in a html page?
It can either be placed at the head of the document (between the <head> and </head> tags) or in the body (between <body> and </body> )

6.     What four lines of code indicate the beginning and end of java script?

7.     What do java script forms do? Name two objects that could be included in a form.

8.     What four attributes does a java script button have?

Alter a basic HTML page to contain the code used in chapter 1 of this tutorial as well as display a clock as coded by the java script in the link below.

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