Open your browser at the following address.
1. I know there is a computer shop in the main street of Katoomba (Katoomba St. ), but I don’t know its name. See if you can find the number for me.
Blue Mountains Business Machines
Ph: (02) 4782 23332. Sally lives in Merrylands on Fowler Rd. and she wants to know the closest florist to where she lives. Help her out (see if you can get her a map).
M &A Fresh Cut Flowers
91a Fowler Rd, Merrylands NSW 2160 Ph: (02) 9892 1564
3. You want the phone numbers of some motels in Noosa QLD. But of course your phone book only has NSW numbers?
Noosa Heads Motel
71 Noosa Drv, Noosa Heads QLD 4567Ph: (07) 5440 4550
Noosa Village Motel
10 Hastings St, Noosa Heads QLD 4567Ph: (07) 5447 5800
Is the yellow/white pages a database? Give reasons for your answer.
Yes. As yellow pages have the name, address and phone numbers of different business and the white pages has the address and phone numbers of many people. They are both a collection of information that is similar, so they can be seen as a database.
What can you see as some of the advantages of using this electronic database compared to the conventional paper based version of the yellow pages?
- Faster to find information
- Tells you where to find it exactly
- Easier to keep up to date- making it more reliable
- More time efficient
- Search any category- multiple categories
- Save space and paper
- Ready access
Do you see any dangers or disadvantages in this online version of the yellow pages?
- Invasion of privacy
- Remote area don’t have easy access
- Poorer people/ disadvantaged who don’t have money for internet
- The Elderly who can’t access the internet
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