Monday, February 6, 2012

Using Electronic Databases Part1

What is a database?

Database: an organized body of related information

Examples of Databases
Given your above definition what would be some examples of commonly encountered databases.                         
-       Street Directory
-       Library
-       Genre
-       Author
-       Title
-       Student Attendance
-       TV guide
-       Movie Listing 
-       Address Book Contacts

How is it Wolfram Aplha different?
Wolfram Alpha is different because  it runs on millions of different lines of mathematical codes. While Wolfram Alpha is still an answer search engine it doesn’t give you web pages that are related to what you asked, but rather uses an internal database and using the mathematical codes answers the question.

Answer questions, do math, instantly get facts, create plots, calculators, unit conversions, scientific data and statistics, help with homework—and much more.

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