Monday, June 18, 2012

Some Key Terms

  1. Define the term – Protocol
Protocol: The code or procedure that must be followed. Computers use protocols or codes to communicate between each other. These specific set of rule and codes is what a computer protocol is.

  1. What are the following protocols used for?
·       TCP/IP
“Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol.” These two protocols were delelveped by the U.S military. They were used to communicate between computers over long distances.
·       http
“Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.” This protocol is used to transfer information through the internet. When a URL is typed in the browser sends a HTTP request to the appropriate web server.
·       Smtp
“Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.” Is used to send e-mails over the internet. Is a set of commands that determine the validity of e-mails.
·       pop
“Post Office Protocol.” A simple method to send emails. A POP server filters the mail and places them in appropriate folders.
·       FTP
“File Transfer Protocol.” The commone method of transferring files through the interenet from one computer to another.

  1. What does GUI stand for? What was used before GUI?
Stands for Graphical User Interface. It enables users to interact with electronic devices through the use of images and colour rather than plain text. GUI presents the information and actions that are available through visual images.

  1. There are two methods of data transmission – serial and parallel. Explain the difference between them.
Serial Data transfer is when data bits are transferred one bit at a time, while Parallel data transfer is when groups of data are transferred simultaneously

  1. Define the term “URL”. Explain the components that make up the url.
Universal Resource Locator: this is the address for a web page. It consists of:
·       A scheme name: (http) followed by a colon and two slashes.
·       A host or domain name. This identifies the resource
·       The path: the path of the resource to found of the program to be run
·       Query String: contains data to be passed to web applications such as CGI programs. Contains a set of parameters and values that affect the handling of the request.
Example: scheme://domain/path?query_string

  1. In the context of data transmission, what is “error detection”?
    A process used during file transfer to discover differences between transmitted and received data.

  2. What is HTML and explain why it is important
HTML stands for “Hyper Text Markup Language”. It is the one central language that can read a web page. It is used alongside Javascript and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets. Used mainly to decrease the amount of source code on a page,) to create the page that is visible. HTML is used to format the text, images, links, display and everything that you see on the page. HTML is what formats websites, and without it there would be no websites.

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